Draft: [MIG] account_xunnel, invoice_xunnel: Migration to v18.0 t#85842
Xunnel v.18. Functionally nothing changed (but technically it does), now both modules, Account and Invoice Xunnel can be used with Odoo 18.0; Some functional videos are listed below.
Video DEMO
Technical changes
Account xunnel:
- Method _open_iframe in account_online_link increased the number of parameters
- In test_account_journal.py account creation needs a company_ids field that receives a list
Invoice xunnel:
- Model documents.workflow.rule was deleted in v18 Commit reference: a32825e
- Model "documents.documents_finance_folder" renamed to "documents.document_finance_folder"
- Use of lib notyfy.js to display an alert was changed to the native service of "notification" in odoo
- Folder creation is done in "documents.document" model as shown in test test_controllers_main.py and test_documents.py
- The view "documents.document_view_kanban" changed its structure so the xpath of kanban inherited view was modified to show emitter_id, sat_status and invoice_total_amount
- Document_inspector was deleted in v18 so files "/invoice_xunnel/static/src/js/documents_inspector.js" and "/invoice_xunnel/static/src/xml/templates.xml" are not used anymore
Edited by Emilio González