[FIX] invoice_xunnel: Replace corrupted xml data t44069
requested to merge vauxoo-dev/xunnel-account:13.0-fix-download-attachment-t44069-imanie383 into 13.0
This MR is reference to Task[FIX] invoice_xunnel: Replace corrupted xml data
The attribute xmlns:schemaLocation is replaced by xsi:schemaLocation for the correct import of the data
DEMO: Download_XML
DEPLOY: 2021-02-08_11-15-40
Admin user: oscar@vauxoo.com
Admin password: QXqLlgoS28fVU5dVLkf2Uh9WvrvXyP
Super admin password: QXqLlgoS28fVU5dVLkf2Uh9WvrvXyP
Edited by Manuel Gómez [Vauxoo]