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[IMP] common: Support support include, exclude and extra tags features

The old CI was using INCLUDE and EXCLUDE environment variables in order to know what modules to test:

The rules were:

  • if INCLUDE is defined so only these modules (separated by commas) are used to test
  • if INCLUDE is not defined so all modules of the main repository will be tested
  • if EXCLUDE is defined so these modules will be removed from included result
  • if EXCLUDE is not defined so any modules are excluded

Check the code related:

Since that deployv could be used for repositories using this way to be tested so we need to support the same environment variables in order to avoid new changes and working out-of-box

Even it is good to test modules where a main app is not even assigned

  • [REF] common: test - Show command executed in order to reproduced it locally


Pipeline related:

Projects using INCLUDE or EXCLUDE:

odoo-sh CI is using similar options:

  • odoo-sh

Cases of use:

Compatibility with MQT:

Merge request reports