[IMP] Added suppor for postgres 9.5 and multi version
Executed 2 container using the env vars:
With no env var (uses 9.3 as default):
As it was updated the client is now V 9.5, but the server is 9.5 or 9.3 according to the PSQL_VERSION env var, for back compatibility if no env var is given will use 9.3 by default
I changed the cluster default name to avoid conflicts even if you decice to use both versions at the same time (but the post must be changed).
The sed changing the port is necessary because pgcreatecluster don't allow me to create another cluster with the same port even when none cluster is running.
Also, added the ppostgres.wait() so it actually waits until the cluster is up, I had some issues because delayed a little to start, so decided to change this.