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Issue#5 - Catch push error

When pushing the image to the repository, if there is any errors during the process...

Before this: no validations were made and the process ended with a false positive.

image image

After this: the push result is validated, and if an error ocurred, the command gets stopped.

image image image

While testing, I didn't have a way to change the repository the image was being uploaded to besides changing the code, so I made another change you will notice in the second case shown above:

When executing the upload_image command, the image gets built and then is pushed to a docker image repository.

Before this: the push was always made to, and there was no way to change the default repository URL or organization.

After this: we can use the --image_repo_url argument or set an environment variable IMAGE_REPO_URL and the push will be made to a repo in that URL. For example: setting will push the image exampleimg to With this, we have a way to upload to a different organization or even a different repository server.


Closes #5 (closed) (jeje)

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